For photo set purchases on a mobile device, you must have WinZip or another zip extraction utility installed. This is very important, and the first step. 
In order to extract, click on the download link from your download page and allow the file to fully download in your browser. It may appear to be doing nothing, but the content is downloading to your device. Once the download has been completed, you should see a page showing the zip file information and two options: Open in WinZip, and More...  

Click on the "More" link, and select the option "Copy to WinZip." After that, launch your WinZip app, and navigate to Local/My Files, where you will find your photo set available for viewing.

Video Order Set purchases can be viewed directly on your mobile device for up to 48 hours if you do not save the content. 

Based on the capabilities of your particular mobile device, Video Order Sets may be downloaded/saved. 

For iPhone users, we recommend downloading the iSaveit app, free in the app store. This product has been tested, and is confirmed to work in order to download and view .mp4 Video Order Set content. 

To use the iSave it app, simply click on the video URL, and copy/paste the URL into the iSave it app. It will then proceed to download the content to your phone, and will save within the iSaveit app itself. We recommend you do not navigate away from the app while downloads are in progress. Videos will NOT appear saved in your iPhone photo library/camera roll. The downloaded video will be available for viewing within the iSaveit app downloaded files. For further assistance using iSave it, please refer to the app manufacturer. 

As with all digital download products available in the Katie's World Online Store, downloads are available for 48 hours from the time of purchase.